Windsor-Tecumseh 2023 Graduation Certificates

Our office staff is hard at work producing Graduation Certificates for all of Windsor-Tecumseh!

As School Graduation season is upon us, MPP Andrew Dowie is pleased to present congratulations to students from Grades 8 and 12 classes in the riding of Windsor-Tecumseh.

If anyone wishes a personalized certificate for a graduate, please email with the subject of “Graduation Certificate”. Please provide us with the Name, as you would like it to appear on the certificate, and the name of the school. We will provide the certificates to the schools ahead of the graduation day, or pick-up at the constituency office can be arranged.

The following schools in Windsor-Tecumseh will be receiving certificates:

A.V Graham, Coronation, Corpus Christi , David Maxwell, Dr. David Suzuki, Eastview Horizon , École élémentaire L’Envolée, École secondaire de Lamothe-Cadillac, F.J Brennan, F.W Begley, Ford City Forest Glade, Georges-P.-Vanier, H.J Lassaline , Herman (Elementary), Herman (Secondary), King Edward, L.A Desmaris l’Essor, M.S Heatherington, Montessori , Princess Elizabeth, Riverside, Roseville, Saint-Antoine, Sainte-Marguerite-d’Youville Sainte-Therese, St. Andre Fr. Immersion , St. Anne Fr. Immersion St. John Vianney, St. Josephs , St. Peter, St. Pius, Tecumseh Vista Academy (Elementary), Tecumseh Vista Academy (Secondary), W.J Langlois, Walkerville , William G. Davis

PS. Please feel free to share this post far and wide if you know of graduates who may be interested!